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Irish Emigration to New York

Our member, and our speaker, Tom Gaffney, asks us to take an active part in his talk, Irish Emigration to New York in the 19th Century. He hopes we can engage with him in a back-and-forth discussion, our part being our family's New York emigration stories.We have homework! - our anecdotes, our documents, our pictures will add color to Tom's expertise as a licensed New York City Sightseeing Guide. Our neighborhoods, our Parishes, our relative's jobs made New York City an Irish town.

Tom Gaffney is general counsel at a title company in Garden City and a volunteer firefighter in Syosset. Some of us know Tom as a walking tour guide at the Five Points, a walk Tom will offer again in the future.

Join us on Wednesday, November 13th at the Garden City Public Library. The meeting begins at 7:00pm, and is free and open to the public.




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