Coming in March: How the Music of the Ancient Harpers Was Saved
The harp is well known as the symbol of Ireland’s musical heritage. But like so many heritage treasures, harp music had to be recovered from years of neglect. The March 13 meeting of the Irish Cultural Society will remind the audience of the harp’s place in Irish culture and relate the history of harp music being saved from the ravages of time. The meeting’s title is “How the Music of the Ancient Harpers Was Saved.” The Society’s meeting will convene at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13 in the Garden City Library, 60 Seventh Street.
The speaker is himself a harper, Joseph Mugivan, who has created a CD of harp music, entitled “When First I Met Thee: A Meditation on the Small Harp.” Mr. Mugivan will focus on the work of Edward Bunting, whom he calls a one man rescue crew for his work with Irish harp music in the early 18th century. Mr. Mugivan will, also, tell us about his proposal to open a Harp Center in the Garden City School District and will delight us with music from a small harp. Visit his YouTube page to hear some of his music by clicking here.
Joseph Mugivan is a retired New York City teacher. As an adjunct, he has taught literacy studies at Queens College Graduate School of Education. He is also well known to Garden City Middle School students as a popular substitute teacher. The harp’s place in the Irish musical legacy will be highlighted in this meeting during Patrick’s month led by Joseph Mugivan.