Coming in November: John Butler Yeats - A New Yorker
John Butler Yeats, father of the Noble Prize winning Irish poet William Butler Yeats and Jack Butler Yeats, a noted painter, was himself an entertaining after dinner speaker and conversationalist in New York City for the last fifteen years of his life. He will be the subject at the Irish Cultural Society meeting on Wednesday, November 14th at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden City Library, 60 Seventh Street, across the street from the Garden City Hotel. The meeting is free and open to the public.
The speaker will be Andrew McGowan, president of the W.B. Yeats Society of New York. He entitles his talk, “John Butler Yeats – A New Yorker.” In an illustrated talk, Mr. McGowan will describe Yeats’ years in New York between 1907 and 1922. Andrew McGowan, a video producer, has written the book for a musical, “Four Bells,” a love story spread over 400 years of the Irish struggle for independence. Irish culture, Irish history and the City’s ambiance will make this a unique evening presented by a colorful speaker.